Kategorie: Unterrichtsmaterial
"Three Days of the Condor" – Worksheet
Introduction to the Film "The Three Days of Condor" (US 1975, Directed by Sydney Pollack) in the subjects German, English, History and Politics from 11th Grade /16 years
Before viewing the film:
a) Watch the starting sequence (Glossar: Zum Inhalt: Sequenz) (Timecode: 00:00:00-00:10.30) of the film "The Three Days of Condor"
In class, articulate your expectations on the film: what Zum Inhalt: genre does the film belong to and when is the Zum Inhalt: plot set? Refer in your reasoning to the plot, locations (Glossar: Zum Inhalt: Drehort/Set), settings and costumes (Glossar: Zum Inhalt: Kostüm/Kostümbild).
b) The film is regarded as a New Hollywood movie. Discuss in class what you already know about the movement. Expand your knowledge using the kinofenster.de glossary (Glossar: Zum Inhalt: New Hollywood) and the information on the Website Zum externen Inhalt: filmlexikon.uni-kiel.de (öffnet im neuen Tab). Describe the criteria that characterize New Hollywood movies in terms of form and content by using your own words,
While viewing the film:
c) Divide into groups and analyse the portrayal of the main character, Joseph Turner, the central conflict in the film, and which cinematic and narrative elements of the movie allow it to be categorized as New Hollywood. Write down bullet points immediately after viewing the film.
After viewing the film:
d) Discuss your impressions in class: what especially surprised and/or moved you? Were your expectations from exercise a) confirmed?
e) Along with a partner, characterize the protagonist Joseph Turner. In doing so, refer back to your notes from exercise c). Present the results of your work to the whole class.
f) In class, collect and compare the criteria that define this movie as belonging to New Hollywood.
g) In the 1970s, numerous political and espionage scandals shook the confidence of the American public in state institutions. Divide into groups and carry out research on the Watergate scandal (Group A) and the Family-Jewels investigations (Group B:).
Use the following articles as starting points for your research:
Group A:
• Zum externen Inhalt: zeit.de: Richard Nixon und die Watergate-Affäre (öffnet im neuen Tab)
Group B:
• Zum externen Inhalt: spiegel.de: CIA-Geheimakten bestätigen US-Mordplan gegen Castro (öffnet im neuen Tab)
• Zum externen Inhalt: sueddeutsche.de: Die CIA verfasst Handbücher für gezielte Tötungen (öffnet im neuen Tab)
h) Present the results of your work. Discuss the circumstances surrounding the events and the Cinema of Paranoia as a new sub-genre of the Thriller.
i) Working alone, compose a film review of "The Three Days of Condor" . Include references to the New Hollywood movement and the Cinema of Paranoia.