Before the screening of episode two of the first season:

a) Discuss in class the possible causes of reported UFO sightings.

b) Read the following Zum externen Inhalt: article (öffnet im neuen Tab) on the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book. Summarize afterwards what you have learned about the project’s goal, object of research and duration.

c) Formulate your expectations of the series "Project Blue Book" . Include in your discussions how closely the plots of the respective episodes should be orientated toward original cases and whether aliens should be depicted.
Which cinematic means might the director(s) use to create an (authentic) atmosphere?

During the screening of episode two of the first season:

d) Observe the extent to which the expectations you formulated in exercise c) were fulfilled and pay attention to Hynek’s and Quinn’s different motives to solve the case. Take bullet-point notes immediately after the screening.

After the screening of episode two of the first season:

e) Discuss in class what you liked (and/or) did not like.

f) Explain the cinematic means (for example, cenography [Glossar: Zum Inhalt: Production Design/Ausstattung], Zum Inhalt: costumes) with which historical authenticity was achieved and which cinematic means are familiar to you from Zum Inhalt: science fiction series and/or films. Then attribute the series "Project Blue Book" to a genre.

g) Summarize how Dr. Hynek and Captain Quinn have different motives to solve the case in the forest. Discuss how justified each approach is.

h) Return to exercise a). Were your suspicions confirmed? Discuss in class how the Cold War, research by the US military and the treatment of UFOs in popular culture from the 1950s onwards may have influenced supposed UFO sightings.

i) Split up into smaller groups and research the subject "Flatwoods Monster" on the Internet. Start your search with the Zum externen Inhalt: following website (öffnet im neuen Tab). During subsequent research, pay close attention to the Zum externen Inhalt: reliability of sources (öffnet im neuen Tab).

j) Compare in class the available information on the original case with the screen adaptation and discuss possible reasons for the fictionalization of some aspects.


k) Imagine you are a Zum Inhalt: special effects expert for the series "Project Blue Book" . Within your group, consider how you could convince the viewers at the beginning of each episode that they are seeing a UFO or an alien. Pay special attention to the interaction of light and shade, for example. You could superimpose pictures with a graphics editor (e.g. Photoshop) or experiment with artificial light (Glossar: Zum Inhalt: Licht und Lichgestaltung).

l) Each group presents its findings and the learning group tries to figure out how the respective photo or video was made and/or which effects were used.

m) Discuss the relevance of supposed photographic or video proof that occasionally turns up on UFO forums. Address also the significance of digital media for "fake news". Finally, summarize how to recognize a reliable source.