Exercise 1: Thematic and Cinematic Familiarisation – Introduction to the Film "They Shall Not Grow Old"

Subjects: History, English, Politics from Grade 11

Before going to the cinema:

a) Discuss in class the causes, course and consequences of the First World War.

b) Make individual notes of what attitudes you think soldiers might have had at the beginning of the First World War and what kind of attitude they would have had on returning from war in 1918. Compare the results of your work.

c) Watch the following short Zum externen Inhalt: documentary clip (öffnet im neuen Tab), in which the Prince of Wales visits US troops in Germany shortly after the end of the First World War. Summarise the cinematic/aesthetic means used (for example Zum Inhalt: colour design, Zum Inhalt: sound design, Zum Inhalt: camera angles and Zum Inhalt: camera movements, captions). Discuss the effect that they would have on contemporary viewers.

d) After that, analyse the following scene from the film Zum Filmarchiv: "They Shall Not Grow Old" with regard to the cinematic means chosen and their effect on viewers. Then discuss what the two excerpts have in common and what distinguishes them in terms of the aesthetic of reception.

They Shall Not Grow Old, scene (© 2018 Imperial War Museum/Warner Bros. Pictures)

e) Watch the Zum Inhalt: trailer for "They Shall Not Grow Old" . In your own words, report how the use of original footage from the time of the First World War is described and how the approach chosen is justified.

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While at the cinema:

f) Pay attention to which parts of the film feature the cinematic/aesthetic means described in exercises c) and d). Write down your observations in the form of bullet points immediately after watching the film.

After going to the cinema:

g) Discuss what you found particularly surprising and/or moving during the film. What aspects of exercise b) did the film (not) reflect?

h) Compare the results of your work on exercise f). To what extent did the cinematic means chosen confirm your impressions from exercise g)?

i) Director Peter Jackson gave the following explanation for his decision to process original film footage: Zum externen Inhalt: "What I hope the film does is that it takes away 100 years and makes you think that those who fought were just the same as us." (öffnet im neuen Tab)
Discuss the extent to which his intention justifies his treatment of original material.

Exercise 2: Everyday Life on the Frontlines of the First World War: Critical Analysis of the Film "They Shall Not Grow Old" and the Sources Used

Subjects: History, English, Politics from Grade 11

After going to the cinema:

a) In the First World War, the borders between information and propaganda became blurred with regard to the use of motion pictures. In class, formulate criteria to characterize the two terms.

Optional In-Depth Exercise:

b) Draw up a historical summary of artistic treatments of war. Use the following Zum externen Inhalt: bpb-article (öffnet im neuen Tab) as a basis for your research. Select a suitable form of presentation (for example table, timeline or poster).

c) In pairs, based on your knowledge from history class, articulate what aspects need to be taken into account when analysing historical sources. Write down the results of your deliberations.

d) Read the following Zum externen Inhalt: bpb-article (öffnet im neuen Tab) and then revise your summary of questions regarding the use of historical sources.

e) e) Watch the following scenes again. In pairs, compare the material with Zum externen Inhalt: other footage from the Frist World War (öffnet im neuen Tab) regarding cinematic/aesthetic means such as colour design, captions and sound design. Then analyse to what extent original footage was processed or doctored for "They Shall Not Grow Old" .

They Shall Not Grow Old, scene (© 2018 Imperial War Museum/Warner Bros. Pictures)

They Shall Not Grow Old, Szene (© 2018 Imperial War Museum/Warner Bros. Pictures)

f) Dividing the work up with your partner, read the Zum Filmarchiv: "Kinofenster film review " and the Zum Inhalt: Kinofenster article on restoration. If necessary, use your findings to flesh out the results of your work on exercises d) and e).

g) Write a commentary in which you take a stance on the advantages and disadvantages of restoration work for "They Shall Not Grow Old" . In doing so, make use of the results of your work from the discussion (1i)) and your findings with regard to guidelines for critical analysis of sources (2d)).

Exercise 3: War of Images – Propaganda Films by the Warring Parties

Subjects: History, English, Politics from Grade 11
a) More than 100 years ago, film was still a new medium. Long before the digital era, film recordings were complex and expensive. Write down possible reasons why film recordings were made in the First World War and who might have commissioned them.

b) Read the Kinofenster article Zum Inhalt: Vom Ersten Weltkrieg bis heute: Propaganda im Film and write down the most important aspects regarding the recording, motivation and authenticity of film footage from the First World War.

c) Divide your class into multiple groups A and B (a group should comprise three of four students). Within your group, collect information about the background and significance of the Battle of the Somme. Use this article in the Zum externen Inhalt: Süddeutsche Zeitung (öffnet im neuen Tab), the Zum externen Inhalt: article (öffnet im neuen Tab) on the portal Zukunft braucht Erinnerung and the Zum externen Inhalt: bpb article (öffnet im neuen Tab) as a basis for your research.

d) Gruppe A: Watch the Zum Inhalt: documentary film Zum externen Inhalt: Bei unseren Helden an der Somme (öffnet im neuen Tab) (D, 1916). Discuss the narrative of the film – what impressions of life on the frontline does it aim to convey to viewers? What cinematic devices (such as camera movements and captions) are used to underline this effect?

Group B: Watch the Zum Inhalt: documentary film Zum externen Inhalt: The Battle of the Somme (öffnet im neuen Tab) (GB, 1917). Discuss the narrative of the film – what impressions of life on the frontline does it aim to convey to viewers? What cinematic devices (such as camera movements and captions) are used to underline this effect?

e) In your groups A and B, gather together the results of your work on exercises c) and d) and prepare a structured presentation in which you briefly describe the background and significance of the Battle of the Somme and subsequently, using suitable excerpts, explain how the battle was portrayed in Great Britain and Germany.

f) Make your presentation and give each other criterion-orientated feedback.

g) Finally, discuss content-related and cinematic differences and similarities with "They Shall Not Grow Old" .